Oak is the most valuable wood species. It is difficult to overestimate the merits of this hardwood. Its strength indicator makes it possible to minimize damage over time. Despite the high density – 700 kg / cubic meter. oak boards are quite well processed, but the drying period is lengthened. The hardness of timber ensures a long service life of the products made of it.

Oak timber texture is noble! Dry oak board has an attractive appearance due to its wood figure and rich color, ranging from light yellow to dark brown. Oak timber is often not painted, but treated with varnish, emphasizing the intensity of the texture.

Only dry oak board, undergone the process of technical drying and reached a moisture percentage of 8% (+ -2%), is used for the production of any joinery, the correct heat treatment process of the board plays a vital role in the final quality of the timber. Prices for dry oak board can reach impressive figures, that is why it must be dried according to the highest standards. In process our production, oak timber undergoes high-tech drying, which makes it possible to avoid cracks, warping and number of other defects.

It is possible to buy dry oak boards for the production of various finishing materials, furniture, floor and wall cladding at the warehouse of our company. Oak materials have an unspoken “high cost” status. For this reason, dry oak board is used for the production of interior and exterior items in luxury houses and offices of officials.

The domestic market of Ukraine, offers dry oak boards at the price which is quite high. But the best pricing policy in conjunction with the quality indicators of the material and good service is offered by only by Grovs Wood LLC.

Our company positions its activity as “environmentally friendly production”. We purchase round logs from the certified forests in ecologically clean zones. Grovs Wood LLC in its activities takes care about the restoration of forest resources in Ukraine.

We are always glad to new clients! If there is a need to buy a dry oak board, please contact our specialists, they will always help you to make the best choice of material. Call the contact numbers, send your request on email, order a call back!

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